4 Worse Conditions Caused By Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. Although it’s a menacing condition in its own right, one of the worst things about sleep apnea is that it can lead to more dangerous ailments in a short period of time. The combination of insufficient sleep and problems with breath creates conditions for much more devastating diseases. With research showing that sleep apnea can get worse after only a month, early treatment is the best hope for mitigating its damage.
Strokes are among the worst conditions that can be caused by sleep apnea. A stroke occurs when not enough oxygenated blood is reaching certain parts of the brain. Symptoms of a stroke include numb feelings in the face, arms, and legs. Sudden onsets of weakness can signify a stroke as well.
Sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed, and it’s the people with a worsening case of sleep apnea that stand the highest risk of developing additional conditions. Therefore it’s important to visit your dentist at the first suspicion of sleep apnea symptoms so you can begin treatment.
Another condition that can be brought about by sleep apnea is high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension. Blood pressure is measured by the amount of pressure on the heart muscle, and excessively high blood pressure is responsible for a wide array of unwanted ailments.
The primary danger with hypertension is that it damages other blood vessels in the body. Also, there are numerous cases of hypertension that go untreated, leading to a high risk of heart attack and stroke. Hypertension is a nasty effect that can arise out of sleep apnea, and those who are affected should seek treatment before the condition gets worse.
Heart Disease
Heart disease is a severe medical problem that can occur from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes complications in breathing and sleep, both of which are vital to normal bodily function. The factors created by sleep apnea put the patient at high risk for heart disease, a disease that kills millions of Americans each year.
Women are particularly affected by the ramifications of sleep apnea and heart disease. The research concluded that women treated with severe sleep apnea were 3.5 times more likely to die of cardiovascular disease. With the link between heart disease and sleep apnea undeniable, treating sleep apnea promptly is a top priority that may save your life.
Decreasing mood conditions like depression have been emphatically linked to sleep apnea. While a lack of sleep might be a reasonable cause of depression, sleep apnea has numerous factors that contribute. If you notice a declining sense of well-being in combination with your sleep complications, then the signs may point to sleep apnea. See your doctor for a plan to treat sleep apnea, and the additional ailments it may have caused.
** This post was originally published on https://sleepapneahallam.com/2017/02/01/4-worse-conditions-caused-sleep-apnea/